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영어 낭독 어플의 새로운 지평

최첨단 AI에게 받는 발음 교정

내 손 안의 작은 서점

함께하는 영어공부 - 학습 커뮤니티

핵심 기능

AI와 영어 학습의 접목 원어민처럼 말하자

  • 24시간 제공되는 피드백
  • 영어 발음 기록 시스템
  • 발음 교정 기능 탑재

스마트 단어장 오래 남는 단어

  • 맞춤 단어장
  • 편리한 복습
  • 단어 반복 학습
  • 쉬운 단어 암기

내 손 안의 작은 서점

  • 매일 엄선된 학습 콘텐츠 제공
  • 매일 새롭게 즐기는 다양한 콘텐츠

교육 이념

Michael Halliday

If it (the text) gets too difficult, try reading it aloud. It is amazing how much that can help.

Susan Gass

It is now commonly accepted that one learns to speak by speaking, but at more advanced levels, oral proficiency might improve through reading (aloud), rather than through small talk.

Stephen Krashen

Good writers, it has been found, have done more reading for their own interest and pleasure than poor writers, this is a programme which can help them learn language automaticaly.

Merrill Swain

Language acquisition (learning) may occur through producing language, either spoken or written, because learners are more likely to notice gaps in their knowledge when producing output, and learn as a result of trying to fill that gap.